Different behavior you are seeing is b'cos of different emitters. Which version of server you are targeting from RAD7? WAS v5.1, v6 or v6.1?
WSAD 5.1.2 supported
J2EE 1.3's version of Web Services. Also, there was a different Web Service engine available too (IBM
SOAP).RAD V7 relies solely on JAX-RPC based technologies. The JAX-RPC specification provides some rules about the mapping of XML types to
Java and vice versa. From what I recall, Java primitives and simple types are the result of xsd simple types for the most part.
If you were using IBM SOAP in WSAD 5.1.2 then it is totally different.
Basically, RAD v7 uses following depending on your target:
1) WAS V6.1, J2EE 1.4 - use WAS V6.1 Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java
2) WAS V6, J2EE 1.4 - use WAS V6 Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java
3) WAS V5.1/J2EE 1.3 - use WAS V5.1 Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java
......if you use the IBM WebSphere JAX-RPC Web Service runtime. Apache Axis is available too if you wanted to.
Pl. read through IBM online Technotes for different emitters etc...
Hope this explains the behavior.
H. Kanthi