posted 1 week ago
In my html file, I first import some external css file ("file1.css"). Suppose the external css has a defined section called ".div_part1, .div_part2, .div_part3 { color: black; ....}" Then in this html, I define an internal section <style> ... </style> after the external import and within this <style> sector I override ".div_part1, .div_part2, .div_part3 {color: red; ....}"
Based on basic css rule, on this html the "color" part for " .div_part1, .div_part2, .div_part3" will take "red" since it is overriden. Now, the question is ---
If I have 2nd html file, it also imports the same "file1.css". In this html, it does not define anything to override the ".div_part1, .div_part2, .div_part3" stuff. Then can I be confident whatever defined in the <style> section in the first html is only scoped to the first html file itself, it will never to accessible from the 2nd html file ? in other words, in the 2nd html, when it needs ".div_part1, .div_part2, .div_part3 " color, it will still be black, right ?