JSF perpetual moderator and junkie here.
Sorry, Mr. Moore. Since JSF Version 2, JSF has been both a server AND client technology.
JSF controls support AJAX, and they do so by using jQuery* on the client. It tends to be an older version, so if you want to manually use jQuery in a JSF View, you have to tweak it a little, but it's rare that you'd have the need to do so.
Since the basic JSF controls are almost all just JSF versions of their raw HTML equivalents, they're not much fun. So typically you'd add on a third-party JSF extension library.
Now, as to browser compatibility. Internet Explorer was really bad about that. They'd actually muck around with the JavaScript implementation on the client and that would result in breakage. Anything below IE 8 was especially bad. It wasn't until about IE 10 that you got civilised behavior out of IE.
On the JSF side, back then I was using
JBoss RichFaces. However, RichFaces introduced breaking changes between releases and then became unsupported entirely.
So when I ported Thomas Hinckle''s Gourmet Recipe Manager from Python to a Spring Boot app, I looked for a supported open-source alternative and of course, Apache tops that list.
Sadly, MyFaces/Tomahawk disappointed. Whoever designed it didn't seem to have ever worked with JSF, as its concepts were awkwardly different to stock JSF. I ended up discarding that project and re-writing it using PrimeFaces.
As of the time I created the Gourmetj app, PrimeFaces, IceFaces and Apache MyFaces were the only extensions I could find with community (free) versions. As I said, MyFaces was a disappointment. The choice between PrimeFaces and IceFaces was just a coin toss, I think.
Edge is, so far as I'm aware, more compliant with world standards than IE was, so I would be fairly confident it would work. I cannot actually confirm, since I haven't worked with Windows since TurboTax went online, but I've heard no complaints.
You can do a quick check with Edge by taking it to
https://gourmetj.mousetech.com . For a more thorough check pull the source from
gogs.mousetech.com and build your own. Contact me for a prototype database for it to use, since I haven't yet bothered to make creating that as part of the build process. The main advantage of building your own copy (aside from having a good working example of a complex JSF/Spring Boot app) is that to access the parts of the app that allow creating and editing recipes you need to log in to it. There's some neat UI stuff in there, but I don't allow outsiders to get to that part in the demo because that's my actual live recipe collection! And if just anyone could add recipes, they'd give a whole new meaning to the term "cooking up spam"!
* jquery isn't mandated in the JSF spec, but it is a well-supported AJAX platform, so it's what all the implementers use.