I am trying to learn to avoid filler words while speaking. I realize that all my life I have been including a lot of filler words in my speaking communication, and that it causes multiple problems. 1) It is difficult for listener to understand what the person is saying as he/she has to filter out the filler words from the content the speaker spoke 2) Whatever energy the speaker spends on using those filler words that energy he/she can instead use for thinking what to speak next 3) Speech/Talk with filler words sounds bad.
I was thinking that when someone asks something and I use a filler
word like aahh, it gives me time to think and answer. But I was wrong. Instead of wasting energy in the filler word one should rather just take a pause and answer if if required say "I am thinking" and the answer. In any case, avoiding filler words in the good habit to adopt.
Now that I have started avoiding filler words in my talks, I see my speaking speed come drastically down because the earlier speed was having actual content plus the filler words. Does it happen that when one starts avoiding filler words, the speed of speaking initially falls drastically down and then gradually one discovers and builds his/her new speed of speaking? Any tips that can help on learning to avoid filler words? Thanks