Hello Everybody,
I have installed
* Websphere Application Server V6.1 on Red Hat Linux V4
* DB2 V8.1 on another system with Red Hat Linux V5.
I am trying to connect from WAS to the DB2 database.
The error i get is :
java.lang.Exception: java.sql.SQLException: java.net.NoRouteToHostException : Error opening socket to server bpa-srv-06/ on port 50000 with message : Aucun chemin d'acc�s pour atteindre l'h�te cible DB2ConnectionCorrelator: nullDSRA0010E: Etat SQL = null, Code d'erreur = -4 499. Now is what i configured for the
jdbc driver :
jdbc path native path variable : DB2UNIVERSAL_JCBC_DRIVER_NATIVEPATH
path : /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer1/lib
was variable to communicate between was & db2

path : /opt/IBM/
universal jdbc driver variable : UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH
path : /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer1/java
I have installed WebSphere application server :
All the required jar files ie db2java.zip, db2jcc.jar,db2jcc_license_cu.jar
db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar are placed in lib and
java folder in /WebSphere/AppServer1 directory
But still i am not able to connect to the DB2 server.
I have also checked the network configuration. I am able to connect to the another server machine , but with was/db2 connection not possible as it gives above error.
any help is appreciated
thanks in advance