Thanks for the quick response everyone. Each web app in the EAR is configured to have its own classloader. This option is selected under Enterprise Applications>MYEAR>Class loader. Also, the spring context is tied to the servletcontext as suggested below.
I've found a solution to the problem in the way I reference my jars in each web application. In my original
thread, I posted that each webapp references these EAR level jars as J2EE modules under Properties>J2EE Module Dependencies>J2EE Modules in RAD. However, if I reference the jars as "Web Libraries" instead of "J2EE Modules" under the same configuraton option in my RAD environment, the problem does not occur. By changing this configuration option, each webapp get a copy of the jar files in their WEB-INF/lib directory. This solves my problems.
Therefore, this suggests if you want to share context among web apps in an EAR file, reference the EAR level jars as J2EE Modules. However, if each web needs its own copy, then reference the jars as Web Libraries. Hope this makes sense. Let me know if there's anything strange with this configuration.