I have problem in publishing my web project it says "No Virtual Host defined for web module"
Please help me I am giving my server logs.
Loading Web Module: IBM Universal
Test Client.
[8/12/08 16:48:22:160 IST] 4a2da98c WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [IBM Universal Test Client] [/UTC] [Servlet.LOG]:
JSP 1.2 Processor: init
[8/12/08 16:48:22:300 IST] 4a2da98c WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [IBM Universal Test Client] [/UTC] [Servlet.LOG]: SimpleFileServlet: init
[8/12/08 16:48:22:363 IST] 4a2da98c ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: IBMUTC
[8/12/08 16:48:22:378 IST] 4a2da98c ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: IBCS_WAS51_ear
[8/12/08 16:48:22:863 IST] 4a2da98c WebContainer E SRVE0147E: No Virtual Host defined for web module: IBCS_WAS51 The Web Application will not be loaded.
[8/12/08 16:48:22:878 IST] 4a2da98c DeployedAppli W WSVR0206E: Module, IBCS_WAS51.war, of application, IBCS_WAS51_ear.ear/deployments/IBCS_WAS51_ear, failed to start
[8/12/08 16:48:22:925 IST] 4a2da98c ApplicationMg W WSVR0101W: An error occurred starting, IBCS_WAS51_ear
[8/12/08 16:48:22:957 IST] 4a2da98c ApplicationMg A WSVR0217I: Stopping application: IBCS_WAS51_ear
[8/12/08 16:48:23:003 IST] 4a2da98c ApplicationMg A WSVR0220I: Application stopped: IBCS_WAS51_ear
[8/12/08 16:48:23:066 IST] 4a2da98c HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport http is listening on port 9,080.
[8/12/08 16:48:25:160 IST] 4a2da98c HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport https is listening on port 9,443.
[8/12/08 16:48:25:191 IST] 4a2da98c RMIConnectorC A ADMC0026I: RMI Connector available at port 2809
[8/12/08 16:48:25:269 IST] 4a2da98c WsServer A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business