Originally posted by bobby, morkos:
[QB]Can you help me in modifying my code above. I can then use it as a reference. I hope you can help, to get my example working.
So, let me get it right, your saying that it is possible to send an array into a procedure and go through the array in that same procedure. What I have is I want to retrieve many record set and return it to my
java program without going back and forth. Your code that you showed me is hard to understand. What I have is the following:
In my java program:
// Calling the Oracle procedure
String query = "begin :1 := SHOW_PEGASUS('"+ ownerId + "', '"+ propertyCode
+ "', '"+ chainCode + "'); end;";
CallableStatement cs = _con.prepareCall(query);
And ownerId, property Code and chain code is a collection (An array that I loop through it).
Now, my procedure is as the following:
I hope you understand what I'm trying to do. And if you could show me how to modify my code in order to function, it would really help me. I just need this as a reference. I hope you can help me and I really appreciate any help. Thanks.