Hi Jyothi,
Welcome to this Forum, good to know that you are thinking of taking ORACLE certification.
>>>which is better Oracle 8i or Oracle 9i??
It's not the matter of better or worse, its just a new version of Oracle database, but with this upgrade, Oracle has introduce new tiers of certification. I you want to go for 8i (5 exams) you still have to give one more upgrade exams while for 9i there are only 4 exams, and after the fisrt two exams you will be OCA (O stands for associate).
>>>Is SQL & PL/SQL certifications common for 8i and 9i or different?
with this, do you mean the Exam 1Z0-001 (Intrduction to SQL and PL/SQL) ?, yes this is the first exam required for 8i or 9i, but in 9i you can also substitute it for 1Z0-007 (introduction to SQL).
>>>Is this forum used for discussing ORacle certification or any other forum available for ORacle certification discussion??.
Yes, this forum is also used for certification (though not heavily)
>>>Can somebody guide me for the preparation, books, faqs, mock exams etc??
Books ... well for my preparation, I used the Sybex study guide for OCP 8i and thats the only book I used and believe its enough for 8i(with the exception of Backup & Recovery exam).
Mock Exams: The best available in the market is from
www.selftestsoftware.com ,
www.boson.com , and for SQL exam from
www.whizlabs.com FAQ: the best place would be to look at oracle site
www.oracle.com/education/certification HIH
[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: Muhammad Farooq ]