Originally posted by Jackie Wang:
I am reading the SCWCD studying kit book
I want the source code so i went to
but they only have "some" example but not every single example? Is that right? anyone can help?
Cheers<p>Taash<br />SCJP2
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for Java 2EE Platform<br />Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform<br />Oracle9i Certified Database Associate
Originally posted by Kevin Thompson:
But it can't mean that your "certs are more up to date" - because the certification for 1.2 says "Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform" and the certification for the 1.4 version says "Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform".
And if you took the exam twice, once in each version, it is not really something that is even verifiable. The pieces of paper say the exact same thing.
Maybe he took it for personal reasons. But from my point of view it is like getting your bachelors degree in computer science. Why do the whole thing twice? You only get credit and get recognized for ONE degree.
Originally posted by wiwit tjahana:
Dear Hanumant et al:
What would be the difference (in terms of content and number of sample questions) if I purchase JWebPlus from Enthuware+received free eBook of your book and if I purchase your book from Manning?
Thank you.
Originally posted by AJAY RANA:
Hello Everybody !
This is my first posting.
Guys I just want to clarify !!
Amazon.com says 560 pages for SCWD Exam study kit.But Amazon.ca and Wal-Mart sites say 350 pages and publisher's name is also different in Amajon.ca.
ISBN no. is same everywhere.
Can anybody clear this confusion ?
Thanks in advance.
Author of Test Driven (2007) and Effective Unit Testing (2013) [Blog] [HowToAskQuestionsOnJavaRanch]
Originally posted by Hanumant Deshmukh:
Name: SCWCD Exam Study Kit : Java Web Component Developer Certification
ISBN: 1930110596
No of pages: 530.
Publisher: Manning Publications Company
Originally posted by Christophe Lee:
I was wondering if there was any sort of discount to purchase the JWebPlus software if we buy the book.
Originally posted by AJAY RANA:
Is the publisher different for Canada ? ( I hope it would be a typographical error)
Sorry , for bothering again and again !!
Whatever you say buddy! And I believe this tiny ad too:
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