Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
Why? 60% of Americans oppose gay marriage.
I suspect that 60% of Americans oppose class-action lawyers also. Some things aren't subject to a vote.
What gets my back up is the kind of activism (and activist) who are usually behind this sort of thing, at least at the beginning. And the kind of argument that they tend to make. Such as 'Only uncivilized countries impose the death penalty. Therefore the US is uncivilized.'.
I hear this kind of thiung all the time in the UK and am constantly tempted to challenge their premises, beginning with the assumption that this is the business of a national government at all. Or THEIR business at all! There are things about the UK which I dislike but would never attack. Perhaps a 'truly civilized' people would know not to attack others?
What changed my mind about gay marriage was learning that many of the gay advocates were people like me sharing most of the same concerns as I do. And memories of all the 'maiden aunts' 'bachelor uncles' and such who have done a damned good job of raising kids over the years. Presumably these were often lesbian and gay. None of my business of course.
I don't want people unable to tone down their lifestyle a bit raising kids. But it seems to me that is a heterosexual problem as much as a gay one....
[ December 01, 2003: Message edited by: Alfred Neumann ]