Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Interesting article. I don't own a gun, but it looks like I have more to worry about because I'm a renter and I'm living alone.Those are both significantly more likely to get me dead than owning a gun, if I read that article correctly.
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
Richard Hawkes: Interesting (pro-gun control) essay on Kellermann study of guns in the home in the US:
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Therefore, according to this study, being a renter and living alone are each more likely to get you murdered than having guns in the house.
Originally posted by Joe Pluta:
I like this Phil, except that those should be &&, not ||. Based on this code, you'll be firing until you run out of ammo...
Phil Chuang: If you compared apples to apples, you'd find that Japan has a higher rate of gun-related violent killings than the US AND a higher suicide rate.
me: ...However, if you notice the pickpocket and pull out a camera to photograph him for the police, and if the pickpocket in turn pulls a knife and demands that you give him the film -- then you may shoot him.
Richard Hawkes: I suppose if he pulls out a gun instead of a knife you would give him the camera and then shoot him as he makes his getaway?
Originally posted by Frank Silbermann:
I suspect you mis-heard. My impression is that there are very few gun-related killings in Japan, but their suicide rate (mostly using other means) is higher than America's overall suicide and murder rates combined.
A gun kept in a home is 43 times more likely to kill someone you know then to kill a stranger in self-defense.
More American children die from the death of guns each year than all other natural causes combined.
The number of kids killed by firearms [in the US] has quadrupled in the last 10 years.
Britain has strict gun control and a low crime rate!
Japan's murder rate is much lower than America's, thanks to their strict gun control laws.
During three years of the Korean War 33,651 Americans were killed vs. 35,957 killed in 1995 in America by Firearms.
In Washington DC an average of 201 more deaths occur per year due to firearms than to traffic accidents.
Countries with strict gun control have lower crime rates.
Kim Jong II (North Korea's Dear Leader) said:Nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people.
Originally posted by Tony Collins:
Well I'm happy without guns and you(Jason/Joe/Frank) are happy with them. So we are all happy.
Originally posted by Tim Baker:
Your anti-british bullshit Jason is far more rediculous.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
But wasn't the issue other British citizens who were supportive of a so-called "Tony Martin" law?
Originally posted by Tony Collins:
Maybe we should all concentrate on the weaknesses in our own societies.
"....bigmouth strikes again, and I've got no right to take my place with the human race...."<p>SCJP 1.4
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Show me where I've made any anti-British statements and we'll discuss it. Email or PM if you'd prefer. More to the point, I strongly advise you read our document on fallacies before hitting the "SUBMIT" button again.
Kim Jong II (North Korea's Dear Leader) said:Nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people.
Originally posted by Tim Baker:
According to you the entire UK media is run by anti-semetic terrorist sympathisers who aparently now are afraid of all guns being used in any circumstances and don't have the will to defend themselves. On that feedback BBC page you posted there is virtually no anti-americanism, unless you consider the word 'gun' to be a synonym for america, in which case I would be glad to declare that we are anti-american.
Originally posted by Tim Baker:
Most Citizens of our grand nation are perfectly happy with the highly trained Police Armed Response units carrying weapons, as well as obviously the Armed Forces themselves. Seeing as what occurs in america where all the Criminals and Police both feel the need to be armed as well as many Civilians, presumably to protect themselves from both the first two parties, it is no wonder that we want more control. A place where many criminals do not feel the need to carry a gun is a better place.
"....bigmouth strikes again, and I've got no right to take my place with the human race...."<p>SCJP 1.4
Originally posted by Bela Bardak:
Ironies (and massive generalizations) in the fire here. Jason isn't the only chap in this discussion (flamewar?) given to massive overgeneralizing (moralizing?). Personally I find both the so-called 'British' and 'American' POV's defensible. Both have their weaknesses also.
Originally posted by Tim Baker:
According to you the entire UK media is run by anti-semetic terrorist sympathisers who aparently now are afraid of all guns being used in any circumstances and don't have the will to defend themselves.
On that feedback BBC page you posted there is virtually no anti-americanism, unless you consider the word 'gun' to be a synonym for america, in which case I would be glad to declare that we are anti-american.
Most Citizens of our grand nation are perfectly happy with the highly trained Police Armed Response units carrying weapons, as well as obviously the Armed Forces themselves.
Seeing as what occurs in america where all the Criminals and Police both feel the need to be armed as well as many Civilians, presumably to protect themselves from both the first two parties, it is no wonder that we want more control.
A place where many criminals do not feel the need to carry a gun is a better place.
Originally posted by Tony Collins:
I agree opinions are different, which is healthy, but what I can't understand is the disgust some Americans seem to have for our gun control laws ( On this board anyway). I assume there has been some NRA/media glorification of Tony Martin in the states.
Why are they so interested, it seems the 'your with us or against us' attitude prevails.
Look what guns have made American society. People afraid to walk on the streets, virtual prisoners in their cars and houses, they have totally killed community. Why would we want that in England, where you can walk on just about any street at anytime. I've lived in the worst inner city areas and I've never had problems. In England people who have guns are those that intend to use them in a premeditated fashion( and that's not for robbing houses ).
Originally posted by Tim Baker:
Most Citizens of our grand nation are perfectly happy with the highly trained Police Armed Response units carrying weapons, as well as obviously the Armed Forces themselves. Seeing as what occurs in america where all the Criminals and Police both feel the need to be armed as well as many Civilians, presumably to protect themselves from both the first two parties, it is no wonder that we want more control. A place where many criminals do not feel the need to carry a gun is a better place
Perhaps these cats have dynamite strapped to them?7.00pm Big Cat Week - The Big Cat Diary follow the progress of three families of big cat
Obviously hes off to a cave to plot the downfall of freedom loving people the world over? WE DEMAND TO KNOW THE TRUTH!!!7.30pm EastEnders - Pauls Guilt provies too much and he decides to leave the Square for a few days
River City is a Scottish Soap Opera; a weapon of mass distruction if ever there was one!8.00pm River City - George struggles to cope after Moira's death and Hazel seems fated to remain in the cellar as Brian lies in Hospital
Im sure hes that voice on the Bin Laden Tapes. And hes corrupting our Women!!!8.30pm Eastenders: Alfie Moons Story - The popularity of Shane Richies character, who has won countless female viewers
I dont need to say any more, but Terrorists are crafty, so I reckon if I wanted to be a Terrorist, this would be the program to watch!8.00pm Crafty Tricks of War
Its a boot camp. They train soldiers at boot camp. These must be a anti-semitic terrorist loving bootcamp. Wheres that Cruise Missile! They must be stopped!!9.00pm Career Boot Camp
Mark Fletcher - http://www.markfletcher.org/blog
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
Originally posted by Phil Chuang:
Well it's a good thing that your PAR and AF are at your beck and call and are able to protect you all the time! If only we in America had guardian angels as great as Englands! I'm rather surprised, I didn't realize that British Police were obligated, nay, responsible for your 100% personal protection.
[ January 06, 2004: Message edited by: Phil Chuang ]
Kim Jong II (North Korea's Dear Leader) said:Nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people.
Originally posted by Richard Hawkes:
I haven't seen any really convincing, direct correlation between gun control, gun ownership and rates of violent crime...........the "gun-death" statistics.
Interesting (pro-gun control) essay on Kellermann study of guns in the home in the US:
Originally posted by HS Thomas:
Wish I had caught the earlier part.... Sorry Mark , perhaps this is an example of what they meant. BTW you forgot the "Flower Pot Men" and "TellyTubbies".[/qb]
Mark Fletcher - http://www.markfletcher.org/blog
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
Originally posted by HS Thomas:
We could try a comparison with the French media. News Item by Item.AL Jazeera on the Seine -AKA Le Monde
Mark Fletcher - http://www.markfletcher.org/blog
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...
Originally posted by Mark Fletcher:
Bela, Jason,
Thank you for informing me that the BBC is an anti-semitic, terrorist sympathising organisation.
Now to be honest, Bela, Jason. I dont know what planet youre on, or what crack pipe youre both smoking, but I dont see anything anti-semitic or anything thats sympathetic to Terrorists.
If there is one thing Paulin clearly abhors about Israel, it is the Brooklyn--born Jewish settlers.
"They should be shot dead," he says forcefully. "I think they are Nazis, racists, I feel nothing but hatred for them."
Please could you help me open my eyes to this evil, evil conspiracy that even now corrupts my freedom loving countrymen.
I am sure that you both speak from positions of authority, especially Jason (Wow! They get the BBC in the States? I hope you pay your license fee as well!!).
Now to be honest, Bela, Jason. I dont know what planet youre on, or what crack pipe youre both smoking, but I dont see anything anti-semitic or anything thats sympathetic to Terrorists.
Id even go so far to ask Jason: How much of the BBC have you actually watched?
Have you ever spent a long period of time in the UK?
If so, were you regularly harassed by the populace?
What is it youre scared of?
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Pro-terrorist? How about BBC's Tom Paulin as but one example:
If there is one thing Paulin clearly abhors about Israel, it is the Brooklyn--born Jewish settlers.
"They should be shot dead," he says forcefully. "I think they are Nazis, racists, I feel nothing but hatred for them."
Since not only the BBC was mentioned, how about the Guardian's Chris McGreal's use of quotes when using the words "terrorist" and "victims of terror"? This isn't atypical at all of journalists from these organizations, and does little to present a view as an unbiased professional. I could go on pointing this stuff out all day, but you have indicated you are not interested in these facts.
Mark Fletcher - http://www.markfletcher.org/blog
I had some Java certs, but they're too old now...