That is cool.
I put in a period of time about two months ago to compare with. I learned that we had a 19,500% increase in views for "2002 heisman candidates"
It turns out that it was discussed in MD.
I tried to find the big drops, but everything is pretty long-tail-esque. And there were a lot of big gains too.
I tried to find a big drop. I found one that was 62% for "scjp 1.6 syllabus". In the previous period we had 318 and now we had 121. According to scroogle, we come up #15.
The title for our page is: "Change in
SCJP 1.6 syllabus (Programmer Certification (SCJP) forum ..." and the url is
#1 is - SCJP 1.5 Syllabus Objectives (pagerank for page: 0; pagerank for home: 3)
#2 is - SCJP 1.4 or SCJP 1.5 - Difference
#10 stackoverflow
#14 is sun
And there are some illegal and pirate sites ahead of us too.
So, I'm guessing that after looking at that report we should try to figure out to help out this
thread in such a way that it would simultaneously help all of our threads?