Sergey Butenko wrote:In class Writer2, page 483
the comment "how many bytes read" is not correct there since read() method reads characters but not bytes, and it returns the number of characters read
Chris Heinz wrote:Page 766 Chapter 13 Threads 4th bullet
From what I've read about threads, it's not possible to go from waiting to running, but I'm also not completely clear on what the, "(well, for all practical purposes anyway)" comment is intended to mean, so maybe it is valid, but I'm not understanding this comment in the correct context...
Oli Brown wrote:On page 886, chapter 15: JDBC in Figure 15-6 I think there is a small error with how the invocations are numbered. In the book it is marked 1,2,3 but I think they should be marked 1,3,2 for the invocations to make sense.
J Deckarm wrote:Chapter 15, self test q10, answer D
"numbBooks" should be likely replaced with "numBooksRemoved"
J Deckarm wrote:chapter 15, self test, q11, answer D
contains rsf.createRowSet(), but there is apparently no such method in RowSetFactory. should be likely rsf.createJdbcRowSet()
Walter van Iterson wrote:Chapter 3, answer to question 7 (Page 220)
G is incorrect: Apart from the three Wind objects that are ready to be garbage collected, there is also an unreferenced String object (value "1 2", the one that was created in the System.out.println - line). So, there are 4 objects eligible for garbage collection.
Richard Osseweyer wrote:Think I found a (non critical) typo in Self Test 4, Question 8 Page 253 Line 10:
Krzysztof Kicinger wrote:Page 65 - Chapter 1:
"... enum that looks like an anonymous inner class (which we talk about in Chapter 8) ..."
Should be Chapter 12
D Figu wrote:On page 268 "Unfortunately, the ending argument is not zero-based ..." , should be "
Unfortunately, the ending argument is not zero-based..."
Both arguments are zero-based:
D Figu wrote:Page 297 - last bullet point
should be
"...get(index), indexOf(object), remove(index)..."
Paddy O Riley wrote:However in the digital version I received with the book, this question is now on page 252.
Is it possible to indicate the discrepency in page numbers going forward, if it exists ?
boolean endsWith(String other)
Tests if this path ends with a Path, constructed by converting the given path string, in exactly the manner specified by the endsWith(Path) method. On UNIX for example, the path "foo/bar" ends with "foo/bar" and "bar". It does not end with "r" or "/bar". Note that trailing separators are not taken into account, and so invoking this method on the Path"foo/bar" with the String "bar/" returns true.
sergio enrique rojas moncada wrote:pagina 112, Chapter 2: Object Orientation
error numeros de tablas. (wrong typo)
Actualmente (Currently) --> TABLE 1-2 Differences Between Overloaded and Overridden Methods
deberia ser (Should be) --> TABLE 2-3 Differences Between Overloaded and Overridden Methods
Paddy O Riley wrote:Chapter 1 Pg 52 Section Instance Variables
Currently : Private String title,
Should be : Private String title;
sergio enrique rojas moncada wrote:pagina 120 Chapter 2: Object Orientation.
error in figure 2-5
Currently: abstract Ball implements Bounceable
Should be: abstract class Ball implements Bounceable
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