I got this email from someone who calls himself "Blue Guy". Apparently he tried to enter the contest directly, but had a problem with the naming policy. Anyway, here it is...
--- Blue Guy <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 13:25:18 +0100
> From: Blue Guy <
[email protected]>
> To:
[email protected] > Subject: blue guy here, I'm your cover photo
> Hey y'all, it's me, the guy in blue. It's time for me to set you
> straight. I think there's some stuff you should know about some of
> these people...
> But first, let me say that I'm your man. You see, I'm not just a
> pretty face (but you have to admit I am *the* fly guy in this sorry
> group). That photo shoot gig held me over for a couple summers while I
> was in school. Engineering school. That's right, I'm a fly guy and a
> cubicle guy.
> But I was gonna tell you about those other, ehh, faces. You need to
> know the real dirt on them - I'm getting to it, hold on a sec -
> otherwise it could come back at you in 5 years and ruin your good
> reputation. You *do* expect this book to be around in 5 years, right?
> OK, let's start with the ladies, since they seem to be getting so much
> attention. Ms. Pinky B (her actual name, get real!), well, she *is*
> into objects and such, and she's fun for a while - yes, I took her up
> on her offers, you kiddin me?! - but it don't take long to realize
> that the girl is a little single minded. She was waaay into my
> packaging, and had nothing but praise for my encapsulation, and we
> could go on about the big O for hours, but as soon as I started
> talking about access control and decoupling, well, she just couldn't
> *deal*, you know? She lost interest fast - we didn't see her much
> around the photo studio after that.
> We didn't see much of little Miss Green either. She and
> White-Guy-Who-Is-Not-White weren't allowed to be on the shoot for more
> than a couple hours at a time: child labor laws, know what I mean? And
> that's my point. You don't think people really want to learn about
> inheritance from someone who looks like they're 12 years old, do you?
> (They're really 9 and 10, but they lied to get in.)
> Come to think of it, that squatting guy didn't show up in the studio a
> lot either, some kind of intestinal problem. As a matter of fact, they
> had to go to find him and take that picture while he was, well, busy.
> He doesn't look relaxed, does he? He wasn't. I hear he's doing a
> little better now, poor guy.
> That dude with the glasses? You know, I definitely think you should
> save his face for Head First Chemistry, he looooves chemistry. He used
> to go on and on about how popular he was when he was in school because
> of it. Turned out he bragged to the wrong person (the guy in plaid)
> and now he's doing time for dealing ecstasy. Y'all can start working
> on that chemistry book and he'll be outside just in time to make that
> cover.
> Where's that leave you? Right here, *I* am your man. The ladies trust
> me, no doubt about that (just ask Pinky B). You know what? The guys do
> too. They're hanging around my cubicle all the time, wanting to know
> how they can improve their encapsulation. They're begging me to
> explain how using
polymorphism gets them into a better position. I
> even help 'em out with the household stuff, like garbage collection.
> That's right - I've made real heros out of some desperate guys. And
> the ladies, well, you know, they *always* stop by afterwards to thank
> me for having such strong design principles...
[ January 29, 2006: Message edited by: Pauline McNamara ]