Hi All, Today I passed the Oracle exam 1Z0-007 oracle9i-SQL with 75.44%. I used "Introduction to oracle9i SQL" by Chip Dawes and Biju Thomas. The book is sufficient to clear the exam but not to score 90% and above. A hands in experience is must. Thanks to all who answered all my queries. Trupti
Congrats Trupti. I had the same score and used the same book for the preparation. I also felt that the book is sufficient to just pass the exam but not to score high percentage. Anyway, congrats once again. So what next - 147? I have started prepairing for 147 from the book - Oracle 9i PL/SQL programming. Vibha.
Hi congratoooo i hope you success in all exam pleas can you send to me all books exam 1z0-007 and i heard about test center the exam found exact like test center where thise books can ifind it thankes for heelp
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