posted 19 years ago
I would like to know if is possible this situation:
My application RMI client:
1- get the XAResource xaR1 of OracleXADataSource
2- create Xid1
3- xaR1.start(Xid1)
4-doAnyThingDB1("insert into table_Client ...")
5- xaR1.end(Xid1)
6- call the method of app Server RMI passing the Xid
and the appSever RMI:
1- get the XAResource xaR1 (same the appClient)
2- create Xid2
3- xaR1.start(Xid2)
4-doAnyThingDB2("insert into table_Server ...")
5- xaR1.end(Xid2)
6- prepare(Xid2)
7- commit(Xid2)
After the conclution of method remote, There will register in the
table_Server and table_Client or only on table_Server ?
I need that the fisrt result is the correct, else what I can do to control
transaction distributes in diferent VMs.