I'm trying to make work remote debugging from JDeveloper 10.1.2 on Oracle AS 10g, but I'm stuck. I tried to do every step from JDeveloper help:
1. Create remote debugging process.
- Done (I hope)
2. In the <jdev_install>/lib directory, copy xmlparserv2.jar to <OC4J_HOME>/lib. In the <jdev_install>/jdev/lib directory, copy ojc.jar and jdev-rt.jar to <OC4J_HOME>/home/lib
- If ORACLE_HOME is C:\Oracle\oracleas, then where is OC4J_HOME ? c:\Oracle\oracleas\j2ee\home ? But it means to create another 'home' directory, right ? But I have already created one OC4J instance called FirstOC4J, where our applications are deployed and it is located in c:\Oracle\oracleas\j2ee\FirstOC4J. Now what ? Which one?
3. Edit global-web-application.xml, but it is both in c:\Oracle\oracleas\j2ee\FirstOC4J\config and in c:\Oracle\oracleas\j2ee\home\config directory. Which one ?
4.Start OC4J in debug mode from a command line
- Why from command line? And what about already started instance on AS? I always managed our FirstOC4J from Enterprise manager. I tried to put there the parameters from the command
java -ojvm -XXdebug,port4000,detached,quiet -jar oc4j.jar
but parameters inserted into OC4J Options or Java Options were rejected (OC4J wouldn't start). A little succes was running OC4J like this
http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?forumID=83&messageID=625621&threadID=224574 But it worked only for the first time, now it reports
c:\Oracle\oracleas\j2ee\home>C:\jdev\jdk\bin\java -ojvm -XXdebug,port4000,detached,quiet -jar oc4j.jar
06/04/05 08:10:53 Error starting HTTP-Server: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
06/04/05 08:10:54 Oracle Application Server Containers for
J2EE 10g ( initialized
Please , could somebody make some step-by-step instructions for begginners or at least comment some above points ? Thanks.