Hello Fahim,
Thanks for your reply. I did everything as you wrote, and now I can start running Tomcat, and display index.html page. DOS window named "java" open, with the text:
Starting service Tomcat_Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1
I copied servlet.jar from common/lib directory to the jdk1.3\lib.
Now, I have another problem. When I click on the links(located in the Web applications box), to display
jsp or
servlet examples, I get page with the message:
Apache Tomcat/4.0.1 - HTTP Status 404 - /jsp/
type Status
message /jsp/
description The requested resource (/jsp/) is not available.
It won't display default index.html page located in the examlpe/jsp/ subdirectory.
I tried to type full path to the index.html file, without clicking on the link, and it is still the same.
Simply, it does not run jsp nor servlets.
I hope you can help me.