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warp conn prevents apache redirect

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Hi all,
I've been through all the documentation I can get my eyes on, and I can't
seem to get around this problem:
I'm running Tomcat 4.0 and Apache 1.3.22. I have a Virtual Host set up in
my httpd.conf as follows:

### TomCat Warp Connector
WebAppConnection Apache warp webcruise01:8008
ServerName ovs
DocumentRoot "/home/httpd/www/static/ovs"
Redirect Permanent /somepage.asp
<Directory "/home/httpd/www/static/ovs">
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
WebAppDeploy ovs Apache /
For whatever reason, the WebAppDeploy line prevents apache from seeing the
redirect line. If I comment out the WebAppDeploy line then the redirect
works. I can also get the redirect to work if I place it outside the
virtual host on the main server context. But the minute I uncomment the
WebAppDeploy line, tomcat either gives me a 404 error, or in the case were
the file actually exists, it just shows it as html; instead of processing
the redirect. And before you ask, I do have the http connector disabled in
server.xml. Other than this problem, Apache seems to handle html pages
So what I'm desperate to know is, how do I get tomcat to allow apache to
process the redirect line? Do I have to do something in the server.xml or
web.xml to force tomcat to give control back to apache??
I've included my server.xml file just in case there's any questions about it.
<!-- Custom Server Configuration File -->
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN" debug="0">
<Service name="Tomcat-Apache">
<Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpConnector"
port="8008" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="255"
acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
<!-- defaultHost needs to match "ServerName" in httpd.conf -->
<Engine className="org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.WarpEngine"
name="Apache" defaultHost="localhost" debug="0" >
<!-- Global logger unless overridden at lower levels -->
<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
prefix="catalina_log." suffix=".txt"
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />

<!-- OVS Host -->
<Host name="ovs" debug="0" appBase="/home/httpd/www"
<!-- Access log -->
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
directory="logs" prefix="ovs_access_log." suffix=".txt"
<!-- Logger -->
<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
directory="logs" prefix="ovs_log." suffix=".txt"
<!-- OVS Context -->
<Context path="" docBase="static/ovs" debug="0"
<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
prefix="ovs_context_log." suffix=".txt"
Thanks In Advance,
Saloon Keeper
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I'm afraid that the current version of webapp passes all requests down its pipe regardless of type. Since you started at the virtual server's root, that pretty well ends the game. Maybe there's a prioritizing scheme you can set -- I've never checked -- but as it stands, mod_webapp gets the request before mod_redirect can.
One thing you might try is to use the web.xml file to do the remapping.

That's for a servlet, but there may be a JSP option as well - check the specs.
If not, you can always write the "indexpage" servlet and make IT do a forward!
Jeff Grummons
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If anyone knows if there a way to change the Priority of the mod_webapp module so that I can give mod_alias higher priority, this would greatly help me out.
Tim Holloway
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What, you didn't like my little suggestion ? It's fairly clean and simple.
Now you've made me RTFM! As far as I can see, Apache V1 doesn't expect a request to ever qualify for more than one module to process - that's one of the primary innovations for Apache V2.
You might try changing the order of the WebAppDeploy and Redirect directives. Other possibilities include the use of the "Alias" directive to alias the ASP to its corresponding JSP or the "Action" directive, which requires a small CGI to to the redirection.
Jeff Grummons
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I'm sorry, its not that I didn't like your suggestion, its that it didn't work. I do want to thank you though, because you're the only one that's even acknowledged my problem.
the servlet mapping was a good idea, but I'm still getting a 404 error from Tomcat. is there some way I could filter requests for .asp so that tomcat would simply ignore requests for .asp like it does with html files??
Tim Holloway
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You should have been able to route a request ending in "asp" to a servlet. That's a basic Tomcat feature. Struts couldn't work without it.
The "final" version of mod_webapp is supposed to be selective, but I did read that right now it isn't. I think a lot of people are disappointed with mod_webapp at the moment.
Recently I saw docs on the Tomcat site for using mod_jk with Catalina. mod_jk can certainly do the job, since it routes by rules rather than wholesale.
Today I'm scheduled to move a webapp from a deteriorating server machine. The new machine runs Catalina, so I'll probably be able to say more about the Catalina/mod_jk linkage when I'm done.
Jeff Grummons
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I was able to map the asp extension. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that even after mapping the extension, all it bought me was a Tomcat 404 page. Before that, If the page existed it showed the code instead of processing the redirect. Mod_webapp is a PIG. Not only will it not allow mod_alias to do its thing, but Mod_rewrite, wich I would have thought to be powerful enough to give mod_webapp the finger, is over-ruled by mod_webapp as well.
People keep talking about the final version of mod_webapp. If version 1.0.1 isn't the final version what is? I sure hope the "final version" fixes this situation. Throwing <U><B>everything</U></B> down the pipe is not my idea of "Optimized for Performance".
Let me know how the mod_jk/catalina combo goes. I might end up switch in to that. Its a heck of a lot simpler than my alternative which is Apache::ASP and a perl script to redirect the page to its new location.
Tim Holloway
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As a first approximation, mod_webapp's behavior isn't that unreasonable - ideally a webapp should be wholly contained within a war or ear file, so passing everything through makes sense in that it could be assumed that all targets were known by Tomcat.
Of course, "known" and "properly processed" are two different animals
Since you're getting a "404", this would indicate that the translation is probably being made, but you may not be translating to the right thing - normally the translated URL will appear in the web log.
It might be a good idea to post your web.xml file here. I have a suspicion I know what's going wrong, but I need to confirm it.
Jeff Grummons
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Hi Tim,
Thanks again for taking the time to help me with this problem. Below is my web.xml. I trimmed out most of the comments from the default web.xml. Let me know if you find what you think is wrong.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"

<!-- ======================== Introduction ============================== -->

<!-- This document defines default values for *all* web applications -->
<!-- loaded into this instance of Tomcat. As each application is -->
<!-- deployed, this file is processed, followed by the -->
<!-- "/WEB-INF/web.xml" deployment descriptor from your own -->
<!-- applications. -->

<!-- ================== Built In Servlet Definitions ==================== -->





<!-- ================ Built In Servlet Mappings ========================= -->

<!-- The mapping for the default servlet -->

<!-- The mapping for the invoker servlet -->

<!-- The mapping for the JSP servlet -->
<!-- My attemts to map the ASP extension so that
it would treat it like html and pass it back to apache. -->
<!-- The mapping for the SSI servlet -->

<!-- The mapping for the CGI Gateway servlet -->

<!-- ==================== Default Session Configuration ================= -->
<!-- You can set the default session timeout (in minutes) for all newly -->
<!-- created sessions by modifying the value below. -->

<!-- ===================== Default MIME Type Mappings =================== -->
<mime-mapping> <!-- Wireless Bitmap -->
<mime-mapping> <!-- WML Source -->
<mime-mapping> <!-- Compiled WML -->
<mime-mapping> <!-- WML Script Source -->
<mime-mapping> <!-- Compiled WML Script -->
<!-- ==================== Default Welcome File List ===================== -->

Tim Holloway
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Sorry about the delay. I've been busy doing some unpleasant things plus fighting off a cold.
Anyway, that confimed by suspicion. You need something like:

This maps the logical servlet name "asp" to a particular servlet class (ASP2JSP.class). You have to code ASP2JSP.java yourself. At its simplest, you could just have it invoke the forward() method to a hardcoded index.jsp. Or you could get fancy and take the actual destination in as a startup parameter. Or whatever.
You may want to remove the mime-mapping for "ASP" as well - it might cause a conflict with the URL mapping.
Jeff Grummons
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Thanks Tim.
Now, is there any chance you could show a server jockey like me what the code should be for the ASP2JSP class you were talking about? I'm not exactly a programmer.
Tim Holloway
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The easy way out would be (I think) like this:

This will actually send a redirect back to the client, which is what I think you actually asked for. For less delay, you can also grab a ServletContext, use it to get a RequestDispatcher, then use that object's forward() method to reroute the request internally without going back to the client. That can all be done in one statement if you like your method calls nested about 4 deep. I haven't attempted to show it coded, since it is a little untidy and I don't have a working copy in front of me at the moment.
Jeff Grummons
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Just wanted to say Thanks so much Tim. You've been a huge help and a life saver. With a little tweaking the code worked and I finally have it forwarding asp pages to my default.jsp
Thanks again,
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