Tomcat won't serve asp. Asp is a Microsoft language, and hence will only run on their servers. Tomcat will serve html though. You don't need any additional setup for that. If you need to run both java and asp, you'll need to run IIS and have it pass all servlet/jsp requests to Tomcat.
Michael, thanks for replying. I know that .asp is a microsoft technology and tomcat is meant for java technology, but, I heard that there is a plug in that can be used with tomcat so it can execute asp code. I want to know if any one hase already done any such similar thing. thanks
See Chilisoft is a product to allow ASP pages to be served by non-Microsoft machines. Checking its specs, it says it can work with Apache, but doesn't mention Tomcat. I'm assuming if you're using Tomcat, that odds are you have Apache availability, if Chilisoft doesn't also support Tomcat.
thanks Tina, this is what I was looking for. I am going to download a trial version of Sun One Active Server Pages (formerly known as Sun Chili!soft ASP) and try executing the asp code.
Whip out those weird instruments of science and probe away! I think it's a tiny ad: