Hello all!
Got a situation I can't seem to find a solution for...
I have two seperate web servers running on a single box, one on port 80 (my main Apache installation) and another (third party---Don't ask) on port 81, same machine.
Currently, members have to hit port 81 directly via the URL. ex:
http://mydomain.com:81 What I'd like is to somehow have them hit Apache on port 80, ex:
http://mydomain.com, and then internally, have Apache redirect requests (based on the virtual host name) to the other domain/IP, port 81.
So, in a nutshell: user types
http://mydomain.com and Apache redirects requests based on virtual host mydomain.com to I've tried a simple redirect, but the address/URL changes in the users browser and displays the new port, which I don't want to do.
I've also tried various DNS/router settings and can't seem to get it right.
Any ideas are GREATLY appreciated!