Hi Emil,
I was using win2k, IE6.0.
Can you run regedit and see if you have this entry:
Also to note, my userprofile is in the "Administrators" group.
Also, the flow I imagined (assuming you could get the win2k username) is:
1) include that html code somewhere on a page that submits info back to your appserver, for example you could include that on your regular login page etc
2) save the win2k username in a session for that user
3) ...
Failing that, the only other alternative would be to look into "signed applets", the issue with regular
applets is that they don't have permission to read certain properties, in particular "user.name", with signing the applet you could bypass that restriction.
The flow would be similar to what I mentioned above:
1) load page with applet
2) applet retrieves username
3) javascript queries applet for username, copies value to hidden form field
4) ...etc
you can read up on signing applets here
http://java.sun.com/security/signExample12/ http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/security1.2/tour1/index.html and some basic code to show applet/javascript interaction
(note, this applet is not signed, so you get a security exception when running it).
note: on-click should be changed to onClick
Compile to applet using javac and run the html page from same directory as compiled class.
[ October 01, 2003: Message edited by: James Swan ]