Malhar Barai
SOA & Java Book
Originally posted by Dhanashree Mankar:
I am having windows98 and tomcat5
Out of the followinf tomcat5 version which one should be downloaded?
5.0.14 zip PGP MD5
5.0.14 tar.gz PGP MD5 ==>I downloaded this
5.0.14 exe PGP MD5
5.0.14 Deployer zip PGP MD5
5.0.14 Deployer tar.gz PGP MD5
5.0.14 Embed zip PGP MD5
5.0.14 Embed tar.gz PGP MD5
This is classpath setting:
set CATALINA_HOME=c:\tomcat
set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3
set PATH=c:\jdk1.3\bin;
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\jdk1.3\jre\lib\rt.jar;
set CLASSPATH=.;C:\tomcat\common\lib\servlet.jar;%CLASSPATH%
But when i started startup.bat It gave some syntax error and new window opened and immediatey disappeared. What does this mean?
or should i download tomcat 4 now?
please help me
Originally posted by cj jack:
Right, you can open up a MS-DOS window -> click the Properties icon -> click the Memory Tab -> set the Initial Environment to 4096(that's what I have). I know I had to do this when I ran tests using the j2ee server, so give it a try.
Originally posted by cj jack:
Yes, there is something wrong with that particular statement, MS-DOS does not allow 2 "=" signs as part of the same set command(or something like that). I had this problem when I tried to start up the j2ee server of win98, but it works fine for I believe winnt or win2000 OS.
So reset the statup.bat back to original and give it a try.
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