file and install it. :: For this I don't think you need to set the environment virables (like java_home etc.)..exe
file. :: For this kind of download, unzip it in a location like C:\Apache\Tomcat5 ( No need to name it like jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19 ). Now open autoexec.bat in a text editor and add followings
Regards<br />--<br />Niranjan Nanda<br />Consultant<br />Capgemini Consulting India <br />Mumbai<br />Phone: 9324951476
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Kaustubh. Mumbai, India.
Maybe he went home and went to bed. And took this tiny ad with him:
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