Several of the contributors to Geronimo are Jetty developers including Jules Gosnell who wrote the web integration between JBoss and Jetty, so starting with Jetty was the easitest path for us. Since, we have a fully servlet engine the Geronimo developers have decided to focus (for the time being) on completeing missing features.
Apache Geronimo
Welcome to Apache Geronimo, the J2EE server project of the Apache Software Foundation. Please help us make this a world class, certified J2EE container!
The aim of the project is to produce a large and healthy community of J2EE developers tasked with the development of an open-source, certified J2EE server that:
is licensed under the Apache License
passes Sun's TCK for J2EE 1.4
reuses the best ASF/BSD licensed code available today, with new ASF code to complete the J2EE stack.
Java Developer, Thailand