I m using
Tomcat under windows 2000 Server and want to know abt installing n configuring Apache-Tomcat under windows.
I m using jdk 1.4, Tomcat 5.0 & Apache HTTP Server 2.
Individually Tomcat & Apache Server runs properly.
But when Configuring Tomcat and Apache With the mod_JK Connector, Apache server doesn't start & throws Error-"The Apache2 service terminated with service-specific error 1".
For configuring Tomcat & Apache followed following steps-
1. Configuring Tomcat:
-Added the following entry to <CATALINA_HOME>/conf/server.xml, inside of the <Service> element.
<Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
port="8009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
-Create a Tomcat Worker
The Tomcat worker file, in this example, named as workers.properties and copied into the <CATALINA_HOME>/conf directory of the Tomcat instance that you will be integrating with Apache. (<CATALINA_HOME> represents the base directory of your Tomcat installation.)
Now added the following properties to this newly-created file and save your changes.
These entries define a Tomcat worker named testWorker.
2. Copied the previously downloaded mod_jk module to the <APACHE_HOME>/libexec directory.
3. Added following directives to the bottom of the <APACHE_HOME>/conf/httpd.conf file, as follows:
LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.dll
AddModule mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile C:/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile C:/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel debug
Alias /examples C:/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27/webapps/examples
JkMount /examples/servlet/* testWorker
JkMount /examples/*.jsp testWorker
<Location "/examples/WEB-INF/">
AllowOverride None
deny from all
4. Already Stopped Tomcat first start, it Start. And then trying to start Apache Server, at this time it throws Error
"The Apache2 service terminated with service-specific error 1"
Please tell me What's wrong in the configuration.
With Thanks & Regards,
[ December 07, 2004: Message edited by: Aparna Bhute ]