iam using
struts and making a website.
During the development phase, we had used the default port 8080.
so to access my webpage i used to write,
http://localhost:8080/simliv/action/welcome well all files in my
jsp pages use struts <html:base> tag
so under view source for any jsp page,
the url looks like
http://localhost:8080/simliv/welcome.jsp well now its deployment time,after deploying,i have been asked to remove
the port number ie 8080 coming after localhost.
I think this whole is configuring apache and
please specify how do i configure tomcat so that when i access
http://localhost/simliv/action/welcome ,
i get the same welcome page and all other pages without the port number after the localhost
The problem been that struts carries the base address 8080 in all other pages if html:base tag is used.