Hi all,
I'm currently having some problem on which whenever my instance of
Tomcat is started using Windows service, it's not picking up the value of whatever parameter I have previously defined on TOMCAT_OPTS variable in my tomcat.bat file.
However, if I start Tomcat from clicking the startup.bat from %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin directory, I can access my parameter defined on TOMCAT_OPTS variable.
Does anyone know on how to get around this? I can't upgrade Tomcat or JDK as I'm supposed to look at a problem being experienced on an old system.
I'm carrying out this
test on a dev machine with Win2000, JDK1.4 and using Tomcat's HelloWorld
servlet example to retrieve the variable.
From HelloWorldExample.java
out.println("System.getProperty(): " + System.getProperty("aaa.test.aaa") );
From wrapper.properties file:
wrapper.cmd_line="$(wrapper.javabin)" -Djava.security.policy=="$(wrapper.tomcat_policy)" -Dtomcat.home="$(wrapper.tomcat_home)" -classpath $(wrapper.class_path) $(wrapper.startup_class) -config $(wrapper.server_xml) tomcat
From tomcat.bat file:
set TOMCAT_OPTS=-Daaa.test.aaa=C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.3.2\logs\jvm.stderr