java amateur
Tomcat ships with several applications that are ready to go as soon as you get the server running.
java amateur
Deployment With Tomcat 5
In order to be executed, a web application must be deployed on a servlet container. This is true even during development. We will describe using Tomcat 5 to provide the execution environment. A web application can be deployed in Tomcat by one of the following approaches:
Copy unpacked directory hierarchy into a subdirectory in directory $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/. Tomcat will assign a context path to your application based on the subdirectory name you choose. We will use this technique in the build.xml file that we construct, because it is the quickest and easiest approach during development. Be sure to restart Tomcat after installing or updating your application.
==> what i did <==
Copy the web application archive file into directory $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/. When Tomcat is started, it will automatically expand the web application archive file into its unpacked form, and execute the application that way. This approach would typically be used to install an additional application, provided by a third party vendor or by your internal development staff, into an existing Tomcat installation. NOTE - If you use this approach, and wish to update your application later, you must both replace the web application archive file AND delete the expanded directory that Tomcat created, and then restart Tomcat, in order to reflect your changes.
==> tried this too <==
Use the Tomcat 5 "Manager" web application to deploy and undeploy web applications. Tomcat 5 includes a web application, deployed by default on context path /manager, that allows you to deploy and undeploy applications on a running Tomcat server without restarting it. See the administrator documentation (TODO: hyperlink) for more information on using the Manager web application.
java amateur
java amateur
Originally posted by miguel lisboa:
what keeps puzzling me is this: if i enter this url:
i get the page, but if instead of localhost i type my ip, i cant get it
Is port 8080 open to outside traffic on your network?
java amateur
A lot of people cry when they cut onions. The trick is not to form an emotional bond. This tiny ad told me:
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