I am working on a
J2EE web application project which is deployed in
Tomcat 5.5.23. The problem I have with the logout is:
I have set the session-timeout entry as 30 min in my project's web.xml file and I have done the sesion expiry check in a javascript function by passing that 30 minutes. When i run my application and leave it idle opened in a browser for about 30 min, automatically my javascript function gets invoked and displays a popup to let the user know the session is about to expire and takes back to the login page. Everything is working as expected. But when I keep the application idle in a browser for 20 min and then try to make a request by clicking on a link or button (server method call), automatically the application logs me out and when I login as the same user again, it takes me back to the same page where I tried to make a request. I want the application to logout only if i intentionally try to logout or when the session expires in about 30 min. I do not want the same to happen in 20 min. Please help me in resolving this problem.
[ September 04, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]