I think I have a solution to a problem, and I just want to see if anyone has thoughts or concerns that I may need to address. Basically, users will be interacting with my machines in a limited manner, and I want the simple interface to be web browser-based, but I need some functionality that is generally only available in a standalone app (e.g. filesystem access and I don't want to use an
applet). In other words, I don't want the user to have to use a standard file-save dialog (I want the app to more automatically handle some of those things).
So anyway, I think I can get everything I want by installing
Tomcat on each machine, because the server code will have filesystem access, etc. The webpage the user sees can be updated from the local Tomcat server via AJAX to show file transfer progress, etc, and instead of using a standard file save dialog, I could show whatever kind of abstracted file transfer interface I want through AJAX.
I'm going to try to code a rough implementation soon, but I'd like to hear from you if you see any mistaken assumptions I might have (or foresee any other difficulties I might encounter with this strategy). Thanks so much...