Originally posted by Ben Souther:
You put your script into the host-manager application.
If you want to keep it there, you'll need to adjust your URL to point to that app.
Originally posted by Ben Souther:
Before I can do anything, you'll need to check your private messages and take care of the matter mentioned in there.
Originally posted by Ben Souther:
Servlet containers support the concept of web applications.
In Tomcat, each is located inside the tomcat/webapps directory.
Each application (or context) can be accessed by adding the contextPath to the end of the domain.
Inside the webapps directory is a special folder named ROOT.
This is the root web application for the container.
If you just want to try running one JSP, HTML page, or in your case, a CGI script, put it inside the ROOT directory.
If you put a page named hello.html in:
You could access it with the following URL:
I haven't done much with the CGI servlet that ships with Tomcat but this should be enough to enable you to reach it with a browser.
Originally posted by viktor boulg:
BTW am I right that I start and stop Tomcat with:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\bin\tomcat5w.exe
Regards,<br />Pul_Mal
Regards,<br />Pul_Mal
Consider Paul's rocket mass heater. |