Originally posted by Yichuan Wang:
My question is that is it worth to do it?
It used to be.
The earlier versions of Tomcat were not optimized for performance.
In the last few years enhancements in both Tomcat and the JVMs on which they run have improved so much that, depending on what your app does, running Tomcat as a standalone may actually be faster than connecting it to an external webserver.
Very recently, Tomcat has gained the ability to run with the Apache Portable Runtime libraries (APR) The APR is the core of the Apache Web Server, is written in C and can take advantage of things like kernel level file serving and kernel level socket handling.
My advice, try running with a standalone version of Tomcat.
If your app is suffering from performance problems look into all of the available means to improve it, including APR and running Tomcat behind and external web server.
Often, Tomcat's static file handling or SSL handling won't be your biggest bottleneck so adding and maintaining an external web server, and the connector (with all of its headaches) will gain you nothing. The cost of installing, configuring, and maintaining it may be more than what it would cost to improve your hardware or pay for a better network connection.