I am facing few problems while setting up my application for debug mode. I am using Tomcat5.5 and Eclipse 3.2. I am using Win-XP
I have made the following entry
1. Added these two environment variables: JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 and JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
2. I have added the following entry in
tomcat GUI control under the
Java tab in Java Options textbox
Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
3. Have configured in my eclipse debug for remote java application using the option in Run->Debug with appropriate port=8000 and host(localhost).
Also my code resides on E:\MyProjects\FundTransfer
To deploy the application on Tomcat there is
ANT file which I need to run which creates a war file in webapps of Tomcat.
I am stuck as in Tomcat5 we had a command for debug "catalina jpda start". What is it in Tomcat5.5.
Also have a doubt if I define a XML file int the CATALINA_HOME\conf\Catalina\localhost folder having only the <Context> entry, I need to point the docbase attribute to E:\.... till the folder which has WEB-INF in it? OR to the folder to which the war gets exploded and the folder containing the WEB-INF there?
Pointers and suggestions for same are greatly appreciated.
Thank you.