I have an /includes folder on document root level.
Originally posted by Axel Brown:
No, I'm not trying to include files across contexts.
Applications are different but use the same DB.
Originally posted by Ben Souther:
Context and application are synonymous.
As far as includes are concerned, it doesn't matter that they're using the same database.
If you're trying to include a file from a different application you're going to run into trouble.
When you said you moved it to the old server, does that mean that this is working in a different container?
[ February 17, 2008: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]
Originally posted by Ben Souther:
It really sounds to me that you're trying to include files from other web applications (contexts) which doesn't work.
I think your best bet is to look at the two options mentioned earlier.
1.) Have only one application with aliases to handle addition domains.
2.) Duplicate the files at build time with a tool such as Ant instead of trying to share them.
Originally posted by Ben Souther:
And the sub folders are inside your web app?
The root of a web app is the directory that holds the WEB-INF directory.
Where are your include files in relation to that?
Originally posted by Ben Souther:
3 Ideas:
1.) Have you checked your log files for JSP compilation errors?
2.) Can you reproduce this in a small webapp? If so, war it up and
email it to me. I'll try it in another machine.
3.) I just created a small (working) example.
If you like, you can grab the war file here.
Try downloading and running that to see if it works.
Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
That looks as if the manager and admin applications were removed from the hard drive but not from the config. Why would you have removed these apps? They're really useful. Especially the manager app which could be used in this case to see what contexts are deployed. For example, do you accidentally have an includes context deployed?
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