Originally posted by Robert Paris:
I am getting a bunch of warnings and I don't know if it's bad and/or how to fix it. For example, it says it can't find JTA - does this mean I won't be able to do transactions?! The warnings seem to be in two types:
1. Couldn't find a jar
2. Something didn't implement Service methods
(Couldn't find jar warnings)
20:56:57,934 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/xalan.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/jaxp.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:56:57,944 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/xalan.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/xerces.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:56:57,954 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/xalan.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/crimson.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:57:00,808 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/xerces.jar, which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:57:00,838 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/jdbc-se2.0.jar, which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:57:00,848 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/jndi.jar, which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:57:00,858 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/castor.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/lib/jta1.0.1.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
(Service methods not implemented warnings)20:57:06,306 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.management.single:j2eeType=J2EEDomain,name=Manager does not implement any Service methods
20:57:06,376 WARN [ServiceController] jboss:service=XidFactory does not implement any Service methods
20:57:09,260 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/org.mortbay.jetty.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/javax.servlet.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:57:09,270 WARN [MainDeployer] The manifest entry in file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/org.mortbay.jetty.jar references URL file:/D:/Apps/jboss/server/default/deploy/ext/com.sun.net.ssl.jar which could not be opened, entry ignored
20:57:14,287 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=hsqldbDS does not implement any Service methods
20:57:14,317 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=hsqldbDS does not implement any Service methods
20:57:16,901 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=XaTxDS,name=jmsra does not implement any Service methods
20:57:17,572 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=MSSQLDS does not implement any Service methods
20:57:17,702 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=XATxDS,name=MSSQLXaDS does not implement any Service methods
20:57:18,524 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name=JBoss LocalTransaction JDBC Wrapper does not implement any Service methods
20:57:18,544 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=hsqldbDS does not implement any Service methods
20:57:18,894 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=LocalTxDS,name=MSSQLDS does not implement any Service methods
20:57:19,305 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name=Minerva JDBC XATransaction ResourceAdapter does not implement any Service methods
20:57:19,315 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=XATxDS,name=MSSQLXaDS does not implement any Service methods
20:57:19,635 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name=JMS Adapter does not implement any Service methods
20:57:19,645 WARN [ServiceController] jboss.jca:service=XaTxDS,name=jmsra does not implement any Service methods
I know that's alot of WARNS, but what do they all mean? Just for a bit more info (taking the first WARN as an example), Xerces did not exist in this folder. Why is this? And why is it asking for it? I just installed JBoss 3.0.x and then hit run.bat. In other words, I know it throws a WARN because it isn't there, but if the default config of JBoss is looking for it, and I didn't alter anything, why does it not find it? Anyone know what's going on here?
Thanks in advance!
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