I am using
JBoss 3.0.6, UIL
I have a machine in my lab that has nothing but a fresh OS installed recently. We have developed an application that runs fine on other machines but when run on this machine, the machine cant seem to send out asynchronous messages.
Lets call this machine X
I want to run a Jboss server instance on X and send an asynchronous message to another Jboss server instance running on another machine say Y.
I have the localhost value in /etc/hosts to my network ip address and not
Likewise I have another machine say A that does exactly the reverse as X ..viz., it can send but cant recieve asynchronous messages. Plain Socket calls run perfect on both of these systems.
What are the config settings on machine A ?? I am not sure ? So we can leave that out. But machine X has nothing but clean OS installed.
** No firewalls on the network
** Machine X runs DHCP server, I tried turning it off but still no change.
Thanks in advance
Meka Toka