I am unable to compile the TestClient.java to
test my
EJB in
JBoss. I included the following in classpath:
set classpath=%classpath%;f:\JBoss\lib\ext\ejb.jar
set classpath=%classpath%;f:\JBoss\client\jboss-client.jar and
set classpath=%classpath%;f:\JBoss\client\jndi.jar
And if I say javac Client.java, I get the following error:
Unable to find javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.
I saw all the jar files present in all directories in JBoss but unable to find this class file to include in my classpath. Kindly revert back with necessary details like what to do and where to find the jar file containing this class file on the net, is it downloadable and can we just use it with my current version of JBoss. I am using JBoss 2.2.2 version and jdk 1.2 version. I guess I need to download the latest version for the above mentioned PortableRemoteObject, but I want help with my current version of JBoss.
Also anyone kindly inform me whether there is any way of including all the jar files in the classpath using something like *.jar or do we have to type each and every jar file we require inorder for the to be available in the classpath.
I appreciate your help in advance. Thanks.
please respond to
sarinbabu@yahoo.com Sarin