I am using WSAD to export my *.ear file to the deploy dir. As the ear is a zip file, the
jboss(come with
tomcat) will unzip the ear into a tmp directory , so that when I get the context root path, i will get something like this C:\jboss-3.2.3\server\default\tmp\deploy\tmp58054struts-example.war (which is a directory)
I think it is not what I want.
I hope the jboss to extract the files just inside the default deploy dir, not in the temp. e.g C:\Downloads\jboss-3.2.3\server\default\deploy\MyTest.war (which is a directory).
so that I can get the webroot path directly.
I found that Tomcat 5 will do that during the hot deployment.
How can I config my jboss (3.2.3) to do that ?
thanks for your attendtion