I thought the training was pretty cool. Even having understood
EJB's, JAAS and JMX, I still learned about jboss specific stuff. Like tuning the CMP engine to your needs, making custom EJB configurations in jboss.xml and using XMbeans. The way a developer can write their own interceptors is pretty cool. Bela Ban was the instructor, and he did an awesome job. Overall, I'm really glad I went.
Plus it was in Vegas. Jboss in the day and George Carlin in the night.
I know they will also arrange for jboss to come to your company if you pay them.
About the certification, that comes down to the whole certification debate. I don't know if there's an objective answer. Saying that you attended the advanced training is probably just as valid as the certification, but some employers look for certs. Who knows. I know that a.)it can't hurt and b.)it's an acheivement to be proud of.