hi, good day , i 'm totally new in jboss, can someone please tell is there any good book or references for jboss ? thank you [ January 19, 2005: Message edited by: Alvin chew ]
If you want a book there is O'Reilly.-.Enterprise.JavaBeans,.4th.Edition. wich contains many jboss examples but do not give particular information about configuration of the application server.
I have a good book about xtreme programming covering a chapter 100pages about jboss and tomcat, where get a good overview about jboss. beside that a have a jboss tutorial (150 pages) focussing mainly on installation and amdinistration!
I can send it to you if desired! send me an email if you need this PDF docs
hi stevica, i was searching for some material abt jboss and saw ur supporting offer, if u can please send me the pdf version, it will help me very much as i'm literally strugling with jboss.
hi stevica, I am a novice as far as JBoss is concerned, as i was searching for some material abt jboss, i saw ur supporting offer, if u can please send me the material (both i.e. 1. from extreme programming 2. 150 pg pdf)
Hi Stevica, I am also new to JBoss. If you can send me also those documents that will be great. My e-mail id is [email protected] Thanks and Regards Govind
Stevica Vucicevic has supplied his email address for requests for his book. Since I infer from this that he is happy to receive such request can I ask that people correspond directly with him rather than posting requests in this forum.