I have a scenario where an end user is expected to enter some formulas for price computation and it should be saved. The formulas contain if, else statements . Also the formulas may change in the future. Can JBOSS Rules engine can be used here? I dont have any knowledge about it. Please if any one got any idea for this problem it will be very helpful to me.
I am also new to JBoss Rule and trying out some example. JBoss Rules 3.0- Drools have an IDE which can be configured in Eclipse and it also some examples to start with. Please go thru' the manual:
I have eclipse 3.2 and whils building a rules project it gives me an error. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/drools/RuleBase (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
Please help me to solve this, my sdk is j2sdk1.4.2_13
Thanks Naveen. I have downloaded jboss rules-3.0.5 src and when i give this command ant manual it says BUILD FAILED due to some error in documentation/manual/build.xml. Have you encountered any such problems. I am downloading java 5.0 now. Will install that and check.
No. I have downloaded the compiled jar of JBoss Rule.
I am not sure but I think there must be some kind of readme or document in the JBoss Rules Source download file. This file should contains all the instruction in order to compile the source.
thanks a lot Naveen. Reply when you are free.I have the files with me, i dont know how to install that. I added that ide jar file inside eclipse3.2 plugin, What to do about jboss rules jars?, am confused.
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