I am using JBoss 4.0.4 application server. I am confused the ways that an applicaiton can be deployed.
1. An application can be deployed as a war file under ${JBOSS_HOME}/server/all or default;
The "default" configuration is the one that fulfills the
J2EE 1.4 spec, so it is a good place for most developers to start.
The "minimal" configuration is nothing but a JNDI and a Log4j service.
The "All" having everything in the minimal and default configurations, plus advanced services like clustering.
so if you are not using advanced services like clustering...better use "default" configuration.
And what is sar file, e.g. ushMonitor.sar?
Services can be added and removed from a running JBoss instance through the use of JMX (
Java Management Extensions). JMX is a framework that allows you to interact with live, running code. You can start and stop services and even change parameters on the fly.
Services that implement the JMX interface are called "managed beans," or MBeans. Each of the J2EE services that run inside of JBoss is an MBean.
Complex MBeans that require more than a simple XML file and a JAR in the lib/ directory can be deployed as a SAR (Service ARchive).
Tomcat is a good example of this. Change to the jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/ directory, and you'll find the traditional server.xml file used to configure Tomcat, along with all of its dependent libraries.
hope you got your answer....