JBOSS, WebSphere
We will build a normal
J2EE Application for Sony. What app server should i suggest for them ?
Actually, they will not put too much cost on this project. so, webshere is just for reference and comparison. We will choose JRUN or JBoss. Besides the price (one is free and one is not free), what is the difference between them?
Actually, we want to propose the JRUN. Because macromedia claimed that JRUN 4 has the following advantages that sounds good for us.
1. hot deployment
2. connectiviy of Flash MX and J2EE.
dose anyone know the hot deployment features of JRUN good or not ?
Dose it really archieve the "hot deployment" functions ? that mean once we copy the archive files to the server, the Jrun will automatically determine the changes and auto re-deploy.