Does any one know about LEGO Mindstorm programming with Java here at the ranch?
Lego is an old friend, and this mindstorm stuff is getting increasingly interesting... Is it necessary to know electronics in order to take full advantage of this game? Also, is it 'opened enough' so we can 'plug-in' some (electronic) hardware as an input? Thanks in advance, Gus
You were trained to handle mission impossible; 'difficult' should be a walk in the park for you.
Ditto. There are two options for plugging Java into Mindstorms: You can run a remote API that sends RCX instructions to the robot over the IR communications, or you can replace the RCX (programmable lego block) with a Java runtime environment then run java programs on it. the sensors are limitted to 3 analog inputs, but there are sites with instructions on how to make lots of add on parts. Jan somebody also has a Jini to Mindstorm adapter I've been meaning to try... (search google for "jini jan book" or something" Dave