Perhaps so. I'll let you know if I hear of any good books...
XDoclet is a code generation tool that generates code and deployment descriptors based on javadoc style comments in your classes. If you do
ejb or web development you will be familiar with the pain of maintaining deployment descriptors by hand. Instead of doing it by hand, you can run XDoclet as part of your build and have it generate your web.xml or ejb-jar.xml. (and their JBoss/weblogic/insert your app server here counterparts) For EJBs, it can actually do more. In addition to the deployment descriptor, it can generate the home interface, local/remote interfaces, value objects and other related classes you need based on comments you put in the bean.
Take a look at the XDoclet in Action table of contents to get in idea of the areas that XDoclet can generate code for... (too much for me to type right now)