Jim, It depends what kind of application you are writing, what performance you are looking for and if you need high availability? There are many solutions some are EAI based and some are pure messaging. some are expensive and some are free.... Sean ^&^ V
I’m building a trading related system, requires high performance and high availability. Looking at approximately 20K messages/sec. Approximately 100 node LAN. I came across a product of a Company called Coridan Inc. and downloaded their trial version, does anyone have experience with this product?
If you feel like there are no suitable products out there (or they cost too much) and decide to write your own, JGroups might be worth a look. Another promising technology might be Jini and JavaSpaces. The leading products/implementations are GigaSpaces and AutevoSpaces.
Jim, Never used the Coridan stuff, but it does look interesting. especialy the fact that it is a fully JMS compliant. Let me know how it works for you? BTW: Do you had to do special configuration? Does it scale? Sean.
Originally posted by Jim Port: I’m building a trading related system, requires high performance and high availability. Looking at approximately 20K messages/sec. Approximately 100 node LAN.
Our Tangosol Coherence software is used as the clustering & HA backbone for several production Java-based trading systems and trading system clients. This topic came up recently on TSS:
<a href="http://www.tangosol.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Tangosol, Inc.</a><br /><a href="http://www.tangosol.com/coherence.jsp" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Coherence</a>: Easily share live data across a cluster!
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