posted 19 years ago
In Windows 2000 Server which is also a Domain Controller, I go to Administrative Tools --> Local Security ploicy --> User Rights Assignment.
There is "Access this Computer from the Network" Policy (The very first polciy). It is showing me two setings :
1. Local Settings
2. Effecive Settings
I can change the Local Settings but not effective settings, In effective settings it is giving rights to diffrent users to whom I don't want to give the rights and Effective settings are overriding the Local Settings. Also all the check boxes in Effective Settings are disabled I can't change them. so please tell me how can I assign this right to only the users to whom I want to give rights, how to change the effective settings.
Noman Iqbal.
[ April 02, 2005: Message edited by: Noman Iqbal ]