Hi everyone,
I'm trying to get my first
EJB running on Orion server by stepping through the tutorial. Everything seems to be going well (I got through the
Ant build) until I tried to restart Orion and got an error message.
java -jar orion.jar
Auto-unpacking C:\hello_planet\build\hello-planet.ear... done.
Auto-unpacking C:\hello_planet\build\hello-planet\hello-planet-web.war... done.
Auto-deploying hello-planet (New server version detected)...
Error in application hello-planet: Error loading package at file:/C:/hello_plane
t/build/hello-planet/hello-planet-ejb.jar, Error parsing META-INF/ejb-jar.xml in
C:\hello_planet\build\hello-planet/hello-planet-ejb.jar: Fatal error at line 2
in file:/C:/hello_planet/build/hello-planet/hello-planet-ejb.jar: Next character
must be ">" terminating < !DOCTYPE ...> declaration .
The < !DOCTYPE statements have the following:
(View Source for full doctype...)
What source are they talking about? What should these values be?
I get this for the ejb-jar.xml and the web.xml.
Thanks all!